Blogs and perspectives

from and about persons with disabilities in humanitarian action 

The deaf volunteer struggling for health equality

"Around the world, people with disabilities face additional barriers to getting quality healthcare. Niyonsaba Brown, 31, is a young deaf woman volunteering to change this in her native Rwanda."

Read the full blog post at 

Punk and disability inclusion have more in common than you may think

How shifting the perspective from the individual’s disability to the barriers limiting their accessibility solved the problems of an aged couple in Ukraine.

Read the full blog post at

Testimonies from humanitarian workers with disabilities

"Publications about humanitarian work and disability generally focus on how the exclusion of persons with disabilities from emergency aid increases casualty rates, psychosocial impact, and health issues. Not only are these negative effects directly impacting the individual people, but also they reduce the ability of their immediate families to cope and ultimately impede the recovery of society as a whole. Indeed, all of this is indisputable and the humanitarian community is becoming aware of it.

But this document, produced by CBM and the International Disability Alliance, goes one step further, and in doing so it will challenge preconceptions and change attitudes. By reading the first-hand accounts, we hear how persons with disabilities, not through any particular talent or skill but from unique knowledge gained through life experience, are ideally placed to provide insights, ideas and leadership, to supply essential data, and to fill the gaps in humanitarian response that cause this exclusion. "

Read the testimonies here (PDF)

Managing the Security of Aid Workers with Diverse Profiles

“As an aid worker, it is not unusual to travel in remote and insecure locations, driving from one field location to another in clearly marked humanitarian vehicles. Being stopped at checkpoints is also a regular feature of being an aid worker. But imagine you reach a checkpoint where the guards are young and appear tense. They tell everyone to get out of the car. One of your colleagues is a wheelchair user and therefore you make way to help them leave the vehicle. The checkpoint guards become agitated when they notice that not everyone appears to be immediately following orders. They start to shout and wave their weapons. The environment quickly turns threatening.

What do you do?"

Thought provoking post about NGO’s responsibilities in security risk management for diverse profiles of humanitarian workers. By research advisor Adelicia Fairbanks

Read the full blog post at


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